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Résultat pour : Results for "Tugdual Derville"
[Press Release] medical abortion: women have a right to be accurately informed
CRISPR-Cas9: Clinical Trial to Combat Sickle Cell Disease?
Press Release: Perils of a “Compassionate” Acquittal in the Mercier Case
“Numerical Obstruction” to abortion: Alliance VITA denounces French government’s irresponsibility
[Press Release]: Indecent Attempt from lobbyists to use All Souls’ Day to promote euthanasia
We are all politicians and responsible!
Questioning new appointments to the French National Consultative Ethics Committee
[Press Release] First ‘three-parent IVF baby’ : a violation of natural law
[Press Release] Numerical obstruction to abortion: need for a thorough non-biased discussion
France: numerical obstruction to abortion could become an offence