"End of life"

Reminder of the Law in Quebec Following the Strong Rise in Euthanasia

Reminder of the Law in Quebec Following the Strong Rise in Euthanasia

The Commission on end-of-life care has called upon doctors in Quebec practicing euthanasia, officially designated ...
Medical Assistance in Dying (MAD), Euthanasia in Canada, a Source of Cost Savings ?

Medical Assistance in Dying (MAD), Euthanasia in Canada, a Source of Cost Savings ?

Detailed analysis of the costs of medical assistance in dying in Canada. According to a study published in 2017 ...
Assisted suicide: Controversial advice by the French Academy of Medicine

Assisted suicide: Controversial advice by the French Academy of Medicine

The Academy of Medicine published a controversial advice on 13th July 2023 on the end of life, concluding with a ...