Toutes les publications : "suicide"


Prevent Suicide, Do Not Embellish It

Since 2003, 10th September is the worldwide day for suicide prevention, organised by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) and co-partnered by the World Health Organisation (WHO). More than twenty years ago, suicide was in fact recognised as a...

MAR : Access to Origins, What is the Reality ?

Although the 2nd August 2021 bioethics law partly authorised access to their origins for children born by Medically Assisted Reproduction (MAR) with a third-party donor, it is not until 2043 that children who so wish will systematically have access to the identity of...

The Werther effect or “Copycat” Suicides

The Werther effect or “Copycat” Suicides

In 1774, Goethe’s novel “The Sorrows of Young Werther” which ends with a young man’s suicide was published. Quite a number of young readers imitated Werther, the book’s hero, to the point that the rise in suicide rates was a direct cause for having this book banned in many countries.