"End of life"

Euthanasia: Continuous Extension in Canada and Quebec

Euthanasia: Continuous Extension in Canada and Quebec

After extending access to euthanasia for people whose natural death is not "reasonably predictable" a mere 5 years after passing the first law in 2016, Canada intends to organise its access for people suffering from mental disease as of 17th March 2023.
A Militant International Round Table at the Launch of the Citizens’ Convention on the End of Life

A Militant International Round Table at the Launch of the Citizens’ Convention on the End of Life

Meeting for its first inaugural session from the 9th to 11th December 2022, the Citizens' Convention on the end of life began its work by welcoming highly militant personalities to present the experience from abroad.
Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Vigilance on the Semantics

Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: Vigilance on the Semantics

According to Le Figaro newspaper,  Erik Orsenna, the member of the French Academy has been mandated to explain the vocabulary used for the end of life with publication of the first items in early December 2022 to correspond with the launch of the "citizens' convention".
Advance Directives, Benefits and Limitations

Advance Directives, Benefits and Limitations

Introduced by the "End of life" law in April 2005, the so-called Leonetti law, the system of advance directives was reinforced and specified in 2016, by the second "End of life" law, so-called "Claeys Leonetti" law.
Opposability of Advance Directives: The Limit Established in Law, Validated by the Constitutional Council

Opposability of Advance Directives: The Limit Established in Law, Validated by the Constitutional Council

The Constitutional Council has been consulted in a conflict opposing the family of a patient and his medical team concerning the application of his advance directives.
End of life: The successive U-turns by the CCNE

End of life: The successive U-turns by the CCNE

On 13th September, during publication of instruction No. 139 by the CCNE on the end of life, according to which "there is a way for ethical application of an active assistance to die", it is surprising to note the u-turn relative to a previous instruction on the subject dated 2013.