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(in French)

new york legalizes commercial surrogacy amid the coronavirus pandemic

New York Legalizes Commercial Surrogacy amid the Coronavirus Pandemic

On April 3rd, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and behind closed doors in the Capitol, the state of New York ...
coronavirus: rivotril® and biomedical ethics

Coronavirus: Rivotril® and Biomedical Ethics

On March 29th, the French Journal Officiel published a decree authorizing “off-label” prescriptions of Rivotril® ...
coronavirus: ideological controversies over abortion deadlines

Coronavirus: Ideological Controversies over Abortion Deadlines

Repeatedly questioned by Senator Laurence Rossignol (Oise Socialist Party) about facilitating access to abortion ...

Alliance VITA provides support for people facing life’s challenges

In our society, scientific advances and the changing of mentalities have weakened the fundamental rights of the unheard and under-protected: children, the elderly, disabled persons, and all the most vulnerable. We take action to protect them.

We are keenly aware of life’s trials, which is why we provide support services with SOS Bébé and SOS Fin de vie.

We’ve helped to support 30,000 people over the course of 20 years, making our bioethics expertise both unique and renowned.

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