"Bioethics Law"

French Bioethics Law: Forcing through Ethical Red Lines

French Bioethics Law: Forcing through Ethical Red Lines

Alliance VITA denounces the way ethical red lines were crossed when the legislation was forced through the ...
[Press Release]: French Bioethics Law: Definitely No Consensus

[Press Release]: French Bioethics Law: Definitely No Consensus

At the third reading in the Special Committee, the National Assembly totally ignored the ethical changes made on ...
[Press Release] President Macron Must Face Reality: Bioethics Bill is Obviously in a Dead End

[Press Release] President Macron Must Face Reality: Bioethics Bill is Obviously in a Dead End

The joint committee appointed by the French Parliament to write a new text for the bioethics bill, that would be ...
Bioethics Law: A Close Analysis After French Senate 2nd Reading

Bioethics Law: A Close Analysis After French Senate 2nd Reading

At the 2nd reading of the French bioethics bill, the Senate made significant modifications, removing several ...
[Press Release]: The French Are Still Deeply Divided on Controversial Bioethics Bill

[Press Release]: The French Are Still Deeply Divided on Controversial Bioethics Bill

Alliance VITA welcomes the vote of the bioethics bill by the Senate who left out the clauses provoking dissension ...
French Senate Special Committee on Bioethics: Some Success Albeit Mixed

French Senate Special Committee on Bioethics: Some Success Albeit Mixed

In early February, the French Senate will continue to examinate the bioethics bill at second reading. The latest ...