On 7th November 2023, the European Parliamentary commission on legal affairs voted for a proposed rule initiated by...
Votre recherche
Sex Change: Repercussions on Civil Registers and Filiation
The press is speculating that French courts may soon render an unprecedented decision concerning how civil registers...
European elections: What are the bioethical stakes ?
At the approach of the European elections on 9th June, what are the bioethical stakes for the European Union ? The...
2021 Bioethics Law: Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
2021 Bioethics Law: Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)Table of contents I. The ART technique available...
Where Are We With the Bioethics Legislation in France Today ?
Where Are We With the Bioethics Legislation in France Today?The latest bioethics law was adopted on 2nd August 2021....
The MEPs Have Adopted a Text Which Endangers Children’s Rights
On 14th December 2023 the European Parliament voted for a proposed rule initiated by the European Commission...
MAR : Access to Origins, What is the Reality ?
Although the 2nd August 2021 bioethics law partly authorised access to their origins for children born by Medically...
Export of Gametes and Embryos, Post Mortem assisted reproduction : the ECHR Issues a Judgement
The ECHR (European Court of Human Rights) has issued a judgement on the sensitive issue of post mortem assisted...
The Hague Conference and Gestational Surrogacy: an Eloquent Impasse
The Hague International Conference on private rights has for years been working on gestational surrogacy
French Gamete Donations No Longer Anonymous; Unresolved Issues for ART with Third Party Donors
On September 1, 2022, the 2021 French Bioethics law comes into force, meaning that gamete donations will no longer be anonymous. Children born of assisted procreation (IVF or insemination) with a third-party donor, will be able, when they reach age 18, to request the removal of anonymity of the donor, man or women, who gave his gamete and who is at the origin of their life.
Legal Complaints Filed for Births by Ukrainian Surrogate Mothers in France
Ukraine is an international surrogacy hub, and one of the few countries that legally allows foreign customers to enter...
Vigilance on European Commission’s Initiative on the Recognition of Parenthood Between Member States
In 2020 the European Commission put forward a proposal to "ensure that parenthood, as established in one EU country,...